Line data Source code
1 : using cdmdotnet.Logging;
2 : using Cqrs.Azure.BlobStorage.DataStores;
3 : using Cqrs.Configuration;
4 : using TestClass = NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute;
5 : using TestMethod = NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute;
6 : using TestInitialize = NUnit.Framework.SetUpAttribute;
7 : using TestCleanup = NUnit.Framework.TearDownAttribute;
8 : using TestContext = System.Object;
9 :
10 : namespace Cqrs.Azure.Storage.Test.Integration
11 : {
12 : /// <summary>
13 : /// A series of tests on the <see cref="TableStorageDataStore{TData}"/> class
14 : /// </summary>
15 : [TestClass]
16 : public class TableStorageDataStoreTests : BlobStorage.Test.Integration.TableStorageDataStoreTests
17 1 : {
18 : #region Overrides of TableStorageDataStoreTests
19 :
20 0 : protected override TableStorageDataStore<TData> CreateDataStore<TData>(ILogger logger, IConfigurationManager configurationManager)
21 : {
22 : return new DataStores.TableStorageDataStore<TData>(logger, new DataStores.TableStorageDataStoreConnectionStringFactory<TData>(configurationManager, logger));
23 : }
24 :
25 : #endregion
26 : }
27 : }