Line data Source code
1 : using System;
2 :
3 : namespace Cqrs.Entities
4 : {
5 : /// <summary>
6 : /// A <see cref="Range{TPrimitive}"/> object for collecting a <see cref="DateTime"/> lower and upper limit.
7 : /// </summary>
8 : public class DateRange : Range<DateTime>
9 1 : {
10 : /// <summary>
11 : /// Instantiates and Initialises a new instance of the <see cref="DateRange"/> class.
12 : /// </summary>
13 1 : public DateRange()
14 : {
15 : IsFromInclusive = true;
16 : IsToInclusive = true;
17 : }
18 : }
19 : }