Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - Azure/Cqrs.Azure.ServiceBus - AzureCommandBusReceiver.cs Hit Total Coverage
Version: 2.2 Artefacts: 10 10 100.0 %
Date: 2017-09-22

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #region Copyright
       2             : // // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       3             : // // <copyright company="Chinchilla Software Limited">
       4             : // //   Copyright Chinchilla Software Limited. All rights reserved.
       5             : // // </copyright>
       6             : // // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       7             : #endregion
       8             : 
       9             : using System;
      10             : using System.Collections.Generic;
      11             : using System.Diagnostics;
      12             : using System.Globalization;
      13             : using System.Linq;
      14             : using System.Threading;
      15             : using System.Threading.Tasks;
      16             : using cdmdotnet.Logging;
      17             : using Cqrs.Authentication;
      18             : using Cqrs.Bus;
      19             : using Cqrs.Commands;
      20             : using Cqrs.Configuration;
      21             : using Cqrs.Messages;
      22             : using Microsoft.ServiceBus;
      23             : using Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging;
      24             : 
      25             : namespace Cqrs.Azure.ServiceBus
      26             : {
      27             :         /// <summary>
      28             :         /// A <see cref="ICommandReceiver{TAuthenticationToken}"/> that receives network messages, resolves handlers and executes the handler.
      29             :         /// </summary>
      30             :         /// <typeparam name="TAuthenticationToken">The <see cref="Type"/> of the authentication token.</typeparam>
      31             :         // The “,nq” suffix here just asks the expression evaluator to remove the quotes when displaying the final value (nq = no quotes).
      32             :         [DebuggerDisplay("{DebuggerDisplay,nq}")]
      33             :         public class AzureCommandBusReceiver<TAuthenticationToken>
      34             :                 : AzureCommandBus<TAuthenticationToken>
      35             :                 , ICommandHandlerRegistrar
      36             :                 , ICommandReceiver<TAuthenticationToken>
      37           2 :         {
      38             :                 /// <summary>
      39             :                 /// The configuration key for
      40             :                 /// the number of receiver <see cref="SubscriptionClient"/> instances to create
      41             :                 /// as used by <see cref="IConfigurationManager"/>.
      42             :                 /// </summary>
      43             :                 protected virtual string NumberOfReceiversCountConfigurationKey
      44             :                 {
      45             :                         get { return "Cqrs.Azure.CommandBus.NumberOfReceiversCount"; }
      46             :                 }
      47             : 
      48             :                 /// <summary>
      49             :                 /// The configuration key for
      50             :                 /// <see cref="OnMessageOptions.MaxConcurrentCalls"/>.
      51             :                 /// as used by <see cref="IConfigurationManager"/>.
      52             :                 /// </summary>
      53             :                 protected virtual string MaximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCountConfigurationKey
      54             :                 {
      55             :                         get { return "Cqrs.Azure.CommandBus.MaximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCount"; }
      56             :                 }
      57             : 
      58             :                 /// <summary>
      59             :                 /// The configuration key for
      60             :                 /// the <see cref="SqlFilter.SqlExpression"/> that can be applied to
      61             :                 /// the <see cref="SubscriptionClient"/> instances in the receivers
      62             :                 /// as used by <see cref="IConfigurationManager"/>.
      63             :                 /// </summary>
      64             :                 protected virtual string FilterKeyConfigurationKey
      65             :                 {
      66             :                         get { return "Cqrs.Azure.CommandBus.TopicName.SubscriptionName.Filter"; }
      67             :                 }
      68             : 
      69             :                 /// <summary>
      70             :                 /// The <see cref="SqlFilter.SqlExpression"/> that can be applied to
      71             :                 /// the <see cref="SubscriptionClient"/> instances in the receivers
      72             :                 /// </summary>
      73             :                 protected string FilterKey { get; set; }
      74             : 
      75             :                 // ReSharper disable StaticMemberInGenericType
      76             :                 /// <summary>
      77             :                 /// Gets the <see cref="RouteManager"/>.
      78             :                 /// </summary>
      79             :                 public static RouteManager Routes { get; private set; }
      80             : 
      81             :                 /// <summary>
      82             :                 /// The number of handles currently being executed.
      83             :                 /// </summary>
      84             :                 protected static long CurrentHandles { get; set; }
      85             :                 // ReSharper restore StaticMemberInGenericType
      86             : 
      87             :                 static AzureCommandBusReceiver()
      88             :                 {
      89             :                         Routes = new RouteManager();
      90             :                 }
      91             : 
      92             :                 /// <summary>
      93             :                 /// Instantiates a new instance of <see cref="AzureCommandBusReceiver{TAuthenticationToken}"/>.
      94             :                 /// </summary>
      95           2 :                 public AzureCommandBusReceiver(IConfigurationManager configurationManager, IMessageSerialiser<TAuthenticationToken> messageSerialiser, IAuthenticationTokenHelper<TAuthenticationToken> authenticationTokenHelper, ICorrelationIdHelper correlationIdHelper, ILogger logger, IAzureBusHelper<TAuthenticationToken> azureBusHelper, IBusHelper busHelper)
      96             :                         : base(configurationManager, messageSerialiser, authenticationTokenHelper, correlationIdHelper, logger, azureBusHelper, busHelper, false)
      97             :                 {
      98             :                         TelemetryHelper = configurationManager.CreateTelemetryHelper("Cqrs.Azure.CommandBus.Receiver.UseApplicationInsightTelemetryHelper", correlationIdHelper);
      99             :                 }
     100             : 
     101             :                 /// <summary>
     102             :                 /// The debugger variable window value.
     103             :                 /// </summary>
     104             :                 internal string DebuggerDisplay
     105             :                 {
     106             :                         get
     107             :                         {
     108             :                                 string connectionString = string.Format("ConnectionString : {0}", MessageBusConnectionStringConfigurationKey);
     109             :                                 try
     110             :                                 {
     111             :                                         connectionString = string.Concat(connectionString, "=", GetConnectionString());
     112             :                                 }
     113             :                                 catch { /* */ }
     114             :                                 return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}, PrivateTopicName : {1}, PrivateTopicSubscriptionName : {2}, PublicTopicName : {3}, PublicTopicSubscriptionName : {4}, FilterKey : {5}, NumberOfReceiversCount : {6}",
     115             :                                         connectionString, PrivateTopicName, PrivateTopicSubscriptionName, PublicTopicName, PublicTopicSubscriptionName, FilterKey, NumberOfReceiversCount);
     116             :                         }
     117             :                 }
     118             : 
     119             :                 #region Overrides of AzureServiceBus<TAuthenticationToken>
     120             : 
     121             :                 /// <summary>
     122             :                 /// Calls <see cref="AzureServiceBus{TAuthenticationToken}.InstantiateReceiving()"/>
     123             :                 /// then uses a <see cref="Task"/> to apply the <see cref="FilterKey"/> as a <see cref="RuleDescription"/>
     124             :                 /// to the <see cref="SubscriptionClient"/> instances in <paramref name="serviceBusReceivers"/>.
     125             :                 /// </summary>
     126             :                 /// <param name="namespaceManager">The <see cref="NamespaceManager"/>.</param>
     127             :                 /// <param name="serviceBusReceivers">The receivers collection to place <see cref="SubscriptionClient"/> instances into.</param>
     128             :                 /// <param name="topicName">The topic name.</param>
     129             :                 /// <param name="topicSubscriptionName">The topic subscription name.</param>
     130           2 :                 protected override void InstantiateReceiving(NamespaceManager namespaceManager, IDictionary<int, SubscriptionClient> serviceBusReceivers, string topicName, string topicSubscriptionName)
     131             :                 {
     132             :                         base.InstantiateReceiving(namespaceManager, serviceBusReceivers, topicName, topicSubscriptionName);
     133             : 
     134             :                         Task.Factory.StartNewSafely
     135             :                         (() =>
     136             :                         {
     137             :                                 // Because refreshing the rule can take a while, we only want to do this when the value changes
     138             :                                 string filter;
     139             :                                 if (!ConfigurationManager.TryGetSetting(FilterKeyConfigurationKey, out filter))
     140             :                                         return;
     141             :                                 if (FilterKey == filter)
     142             :                                         return;
     143             :                                 FilterKey = filter;
     144             : 
     145             :                                 //
     146             :                                 //
     147             :                                 //
     148             :                                 SubscriptionClient client = serviceBusReceivers[0];
     149             :                                 bool reAddRule = false;
     150             :                                 try
     151             :                                 {
     152             :                                         IEnumerable<RuleDescription> rules = namespaceManager.GetRules(client.TopicPath, client.Name).ToList();
     153             :                                         RuleDescription ruleDescription = rules.SingleOrDefault(rule => rule.Name == "CqrsConfiguredFilter");
     154             :                                         if (ruleDescription != null)
     155             :                                         {
     156             :                                                 var sqlFilter = ruleDescription.Filter as SqlFilter;
     157             :                                                 if (sqlFilter == null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter))
     158             :                                                         reAddRule = true;
     159             :                                                 else if (sqlFilter != null && sqlFilter.SqlExpression != filter)
     160             :                                                         reAddRule = true;
     161             :                                                 if (sqlFilter != null && reAddRule)
     162             :                                                         client.RemoveRule("CqrsConfiguredFilter");
     163             :                                         }
     164             :                                         else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter))
     165             :                                                 reAddRule = true;
     166             : 
     167             :                                         ruleDescription = rules.SingleOrDefault(rule => rule.Name == "$Default");
     168             :                                         // If there is a default rule and we have a rule, it will cause issues
     169             :                                         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter) && ruleDescription != null)
     170             :                                                 client.RemoveRule("$Default");
     171             :                                         // If we don't have a rule and there is no longer a default rule, it will cause issues
     172             :                                         else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter) && !rules.Any())
     173             :                                         {
     174             :                                                 ruleDescription = new RuleDescription
     175             :                                                 (
     176             :                                                         "$Default",
     177             :                                                         new SqlFilter("1=1")
     178             :                                                 );
     179             :                                                 client.AddRule(ruleDescription);
     180             :                                         }
     181             :                                 }
     182             :                                 catch (MessagingEntityNotFoundException)
     183             :                                 {
     184             :                                 }
     185             : 
     186             :                                 if (!reAddRule)
     187             :                                         return;
     188             : 
     189             :                                 int loopCounter = 0;
     190             :                                 while (loopCounter < 10)
     191             :                                 {
     192             :                                         try
     193             :                                         {
     194             :                                                 RuleDescription ruleDescription = new RuleDescription
     195             :                                                 (
     196             :                                                         "CqrsConfiguredFilter",
     197             :                                                         new SqlFilter(filter)
     198             :                                                 );
     199             :                                                 client.AddRule(ruleDescription);
     200             :                                                 break;
     201             :                                         }
     202             :                                         catch (MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsException exception)
     203             :                                         {
     204             :                                                 loopCounter++;
     205             :                                                 // Still waiting for the delete to complete
     206             :                                                 Thread.Sleep(1000);
     207             :                                                 if (loopCounter == 9)
     208             :                                                 {
     209             :                                                         Logger.LogError("Setting the filter failed as it already exists.", exception: exception);
     210             :                                                         TelemetryHelper.TrackException(exception);
     211             :                                                 }
     212             :                                         }
     213             :                                         catch (Exception exception)
     214             :                                         {
     215             :                                                 Logger.LogError("Setting the filter failed.", exception: exception);
     216             :                                                 TelemetryHelper.TrackException(exception);
     217             :                                                 break;
     218             :                                         }
     219             :                                 }
     220             :                         });
     221             : 
     222             :                 }
     223             : 
     224             :                 #endregion
     225             : 
     226             :                 /// <summary>
     227             :                 /// Register a command handler that will listen and respond to commands.
     228             :                 /// </summary>
     229             :                 /// <remarks>
     230             :                 /// In many cases the <paramref name="targetedType"/> will be the handler class itself, what you actually want is the target of what is being updated.
     231             :                 /// </remarks>
     232           2 :                 public virtual void RegisterHandler<TMessage>(Action<TMessage> handler, Type targetedType, bool holdMessageLock = true)
     233             :                         where TMessage : IMessage
     234             :                 {
     235             :                         AzureBusHelper.RegisterHandler(TelemetryHelper, Routes, handler, targetedType, holdMessageLock);
     236             :                 }
     237             : 
     238             :                 /// <summary>
     239             :                 /// Register a command handler that will listen and respond to commands.
     240             :                 /// </summary>
     241           2 :                 public void RegisterHandler<TMessage>(Action<TMessage> handler, bool holdMessageLock = true)
     242             :                         where TMessage : IMessage
     243             :                 {
     244             :                         RegisterHandler(handler, null, holdMessageLock);
     245             :                 }
     246             : 
     247             :                 /// <summary>
     248             :                 /// Receives a <see cref="BrokeredMessage"/> from the command bus.
     249             :                 /// </summary>
     250           2 :                 protected virtual void ReceiveCommand(BrokeredMessage message)
     251             :                 {
     252             :                         DateTimeOffset startedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
     253             :                         Stopwatch mainStopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
     254             :                         string responseCode = "200";
     255             :                         // Null means it was skipped
     256             :                         bool? wasSuccessfull = true;
     257             :                         string telemetryName = string.Format("Cqrs/Handle/Command/{0}", message.MessageId);
     258             :                         ISingleSignOnToken authenticationToken = null;
     259             : 
     260             :                         IDictionary<string, string> telemetryProperties = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Type", "Azure/Servicebus" } };
     261             :                         object value;
     262             :                         if (message.Properties.TryGetValue("Type", out value))
     263             :                                 telemetryProperties.Add("MessageType", value.ToString());
     264             :                         TelemetryHelper.TrackMetric("Cqrs/Handle/Command", CurrentHandles++, telemetryProperties);
     265             :                         var brokeredMessageRenewCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
     266             :                         try
     267             :                         {
     268             :                                 Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("A command message arrived with the id '{0}'.", message.MessageId));
     269             :                                 string messageBody = message.GetBody<string>();
     270             : 
     271             : 
     272             :                                 ICommand<TAuthenticationToken> command = AzureBusHelper.ReceiveCommand(messageBody, ReceiveCommand,
     273             :                                         string.Format("id '{0}'", message.MessageId),
     274             :                                         () =>
     275             :                                         {
     276             :                                                 wasSuccessfull = null;
     277             :                                                 telemetryName = string.Format("Cqrs/Handle/Command/Skipped/{0}", message.MessageId);
     278             :                                                 responseCode = "204";
     279             :                                                 // Remove message from queue
     280             :                                                 try
     281             :                                                 {
     282             :                                                         message.Complete();
     283             :                                                 }
     284             :                                                 catch (MessageLockLostException exception)
     285             :                                                 {
     286             :                                                         throw new MessageLockLostException(string.Format("The lock supplied for the skipped command message '{0}' is invalid.", message.MessageId), exception);
     287             :                                                 }
     288             :                                                 Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("A command message arrived with the id '{0}' but processing was skipped due to event settings.", message.MessageId));
     289             :                                                 TelemetryHelper.TrackEvent("Cqrs/Handle/Command/Skipped", telemetryProperties);
     290             :                                         },
     291             :                                         () =>
     292             :                                         {
     293             :                                                 AzureBusHelper.RefreshLock(brokeredMessageRenewCancellationTokenSource, message, "command");
     294             :                                         }
     295             :                                 );
     296             : 
     297             :                                 if (wasSuccessfull != null)
     298             :                                 {
     299             :                                         if (command != null)
     300             :                                         {
     301             :                                                 telemetryName = string.Format("{0}/{1}", command.GetType().FullName, command.Id);
     302             :                                                 authenticationToken = command.AuthenticationToken as ISingleSignOnToken;
     303             : 
     304             :                                                 var telemeteredMessage = command as ITelemeteredMessage;
     305             :                                                 if (telemeteredMessage != null)
     306             :                                                         telemetryName = telemeteredMessage.TelemetryName;
     307             : 
     308             :                                                 telemetryName = string.Format("Cqrs/Handle/Command/{0}", telemetryName);
     309             :                                         }
     310             :                                         // Remove message from queue
     311             :                                         try
     312             :                                         {
     313             :                                                 message.Complete();
     314             :                                         }
     315             :                                         catch (MessageLockLostException exception)
     316             :                                         {
     317             :                                                 throw new MessageLockLostException(string.Format("The lock supplied for command '{0}' of type {1} is invalid.", command.Id, command.GetType().Name), exception);
     318             :                                         }
     319             :                                 }
     320             :                                 Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("A command message arrived and was processed with the id '{0}'.", message.MessageId));
     321             :                         }
     322             :                         catch (MessageLockLostException exception)
     323             :                         {
     324             :                                 IDictionary<string, string> subTelemetryProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>(telemetryProperties);
     325             :                                 subTelemetryProperties.Add("TimeTaken", mainStopWatch.Elapsed.ToString());
     326             :                                 TelemetryHelper.TrackException(exception, null, subTelemetryProperties);
     327             :                                 if (ThrowExceptionOnReceiverMessageLockLostExceptionDuringComplete)
     328             :                                 {
     329             :                                         Logger.LogError(exception.Message, exception: exception);
     330             :                                         // Indicates a problem, unlock message in queue
     331             :                                         message.Abandon();
     332             :                                         wasSuccessfull = false;
     333             :                                 }
     334             :                                 else
     335             :                                 {
     336             :                                         Logger.LogWarning(exception.Message, exception: exception);
     337             :                                         try
     338             :                                         {
     339             :                                                 message.DeadLetter("LockLostButHandled", "The message was handled but the lock was lost.");
     340             :                                         }
     341             :                                         catch (Exception)
     342             :                                         {
     343             :                                                 // Oh well, move on.
     344             :                                                 message.Abandon();
     345             :                                         }
     346             :                                 }
     347             :                                 responseCode = "599";
     348             :                         }
     349             :                         catch (Exception exception)
     350             :                         {
     351             :                                 TelemetryHelper.TrackException(exception, null, telemetryProperties);
     352             :                                 // Indicates a problem, unlock message in queue
     353             :                                 Logger.LogError(string.Format("A command message arrived with the id '{0}' but failed to be process.", message.MessageId), exception: exception);
     354             :                                 message.Abandon();
     355             :                                 wasSuccessfull = false;
     356             :                                 responseCode = "500";
     357             :                                 telemetryProperties.Add("ExceptionType", exception.GetType().FullName);
     358             :                                 telemetryProperties.Add("ExceptionMessage", exception.Message);
     359             :                         }
     360             :                         finally
     361             :                         {
     362             :                                 // Cancel the lock of renewing the task
     363             :                                 brokeredMessageRenewCancellationTokenSource.Cancel();
     364             :                                 TelemetryHelper.TrackMetric("Cqrs/Handle/Command", CurrentHandles--, telemetryProperties);
     365             : 
     366             :                                 mainStopWatch.Stop();
     367             :                                 TelemetryHelper.TrackRequest
     368             :                                 (
     369             :                                         telemetryName,
     370             :                                         authenticationToken,
     371             :                                         startedAt,
     372             :                                         mainStopWatch.Elapsed,
     373             :                                         responseCode,
     374             :                                         wasSuccessfull == null || wasSuccessfull.Value,
     375             :                                         telemetryProperties
     376             :                                 );
     377             : 
     378             :                                 TelemetryHelper.Flush();
     379             :                         }
     380             :                 }
     381             : 
     382             :                 /// <summary>
     383             :                 /// Receives a <see cref="ICommand{TAuthenticationToken}"/> from the command bus.
     384             :                 /// </summary>
     385           2 :                 public virtual bool? ReceiveCommand(ICommand<TAuthenticationToken> command)
     386             :                 {
     387             :                         return AzureBusHelper.DefaultReceiveCommand(command, Routes, "Azure-ServiceBus");
     388             :                 }
     389             : 
     390             :                 #region Overrides of AzureBus<TAuthenticationToken>
     391             : 
     392             :                 /// <summary>
     393             :                 /// Returns <see cref="NumberOfReceiversCountConfigurationKey"/> from <see cref="IConfigurationManager"/> 
     394             :                 /// if no value is set, returns <see cref="AzureBus{TAuthenticationToken}.DefaultNumberOfReceiversCount"/>.
     395             :                 /// </summary>
     396           2 :                 protected override int GetCurrentNumberOfReceiversCount()
     397             :                 {
     398             :                         string numberOfReceiversCountValue;
     399             :                         int numberOfReceiversCount;
     400             :                         if (ConfigurationManager.TryGetSetting(NumberOfReceiversCountConfigurationKey, out numberOfReceiversCountValue) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(numberOfReceiversCountValue))
     401             :                         {
     402             :                                 if (!int.TryParse(numberOfReceiversCountValue, out numberOfReceiversCount))
     403             :                                         numberOfReceiversCount = DefaultNumberOfReceiversCount;
     404             :                         }
     405             :                         else
     406             :                                 numberOfReceiversCount = DefaultNumberOfReceiversCount;
     407             :                         return numberOfReceiversCount;
     408             :                 }
     409             : 
     410             :                 /// <summary>
     411             :                 /// Returns <see cref="MaximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCountConfigurationKey"/> from <see cref="IConfigurationManager"/> 
     412             :                 /// if no value is set, returns <see cref="AzureBus{TAuthenticationToken}.DefaultMaximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCount"/>.
     413             :                 /// </summary>
     414           2 :                 protected override int GetCurrentMaximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCount()
     415             :                 {
     416             :                         string maximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCountValue;
     417             :                         int maximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCount;
     418             :                         if (ConfigurationManager.TryGetSetting(MaximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCountConfigurationKey, out maximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCountValue) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(maximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCountValue))
     419             :                         {
     420             :                                 if (!int.TryParse(maximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCountValue, out maximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCount))
     421             :                                         maximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCount = DefaultMaximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCount;
     422             :                         }
     423             :                         else
     424             :                                 maximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCount = DefaultMaximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCount;
     425             :                         return maximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCount;
     426             :                 }
     427             : 
     428             :                 #endregion
     429             : 
     430             :                 #region Implementation of ICommandReceiver
     431             : 
     432             :                 /// <summary>
     433             :                 /// Starts listening and processing instances of <see cref="ICommand{TAuthenticationToken}"/> from the command bus.
     434             :                 /// </summary>
     435           2 :                 public void Start()
     436             :                 {
     437             :                         InstantiateReceiving();
     438             : 
     439             :                         // Configure the callback options
     440             :                         OnMessageOptions options = new OnMessageOptions
     441             :                         {
     442             :                                 AutoComplete = false,
     443             :                                 AutoRenewTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)
     444             :                                 // I think this is intentionally left out
     445             :                                 // , MaxConcurrentCalls = MaximumConcurrentReceiverProcessesCount
     446             :                         };
     447             : 
     448             :                         // Callback to handle received messages
     449             :                         RegisterReceiverMessageHandler(ReceiveCommand, options);
     450             :                 }
     451             : 
     452             :                 #endregion
     453             :         }
     454             : }

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